Monday, March 01, 2010

A New Me...?

So here we go.....

I signed up for this blog about three years ago, as an easier alternative to updating my website. And three years later, I still hadn't posted a thing. So I decided that this would all change on 1st January 2010! Yup!

On 1st January 2010, I would start my blog and update regularly. I would also stop drinking wine and beer for one whole month, stop eating chocolate and biscuits, use our rowing machine every single day, lose half a stone per month for three or four months and stop doing work at the weekends.

So after two whole months, I've just finished a heavy weekend of colouring in, I drank too much wine on Friday night, I ate a whole big bar of Green & Blacks 85% dark chocolate with the wine (enough dark chocolate to kill a small dog apparently), it's nearly three weeks since I used the rower, and I weigh approximately two pounds less than I did on the 1st January.

But I have started my blog.

I might even post some pictures next.

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